Crime Scene Cleanup Services Dinwiddie Virginia: How Long Bacteria And Viruses Last Outside The Body

Crime Scene Cleanup Services Dinwiddie Virginia: How Long Bacteria And Viruses Last Outside The Body

Following the death of an individual, whether by suicide or natural death, cleaning the areas without the right tools and equipment can be likened to a ‘death sentence.’ No matter how close the deceased is to you in terms of relationships, you want to be extra careful when dealing with bodily fluids, blood, and body tissues. Most people are infected with a contagious disease caused by deadly viruses and bacteria. Exposing yourself to such risk is not advisable. Thankfully, crime scene cleanup service Dinwiddie Virginia can give you the assistance you need. They know just how to deal with extremely dangerous bacteria, viruses, and other blood pathogens.

Viruses and bacteria can cause infections that can be fatal to your health. Below is a list of the common bacteria and viruses you’re most likely to deal with during crime scene cleanup service and how long they last outside their host.


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HIV doesn’t live long outside the body. Once the fluid flows out of the body, it exposes the virus to air. Exposure to air makes the virus dry up rather quickly, perhaps within a few hours. This makes the virus incapacitated to cause any harm. Once HIV becomes inactive, it dies and no longer infectious.

If on the other hand, the virus is not exposed to air but rather landed on a surface, it‘s a different case entirely. HIV can live for several days when it lands on a surface, even as the fluid dries. The virus remains active after several days.

However, HIV in a syringe is considered to survive much longer. If the weather permits, the virus can survive up to 42 days in a syringe while outside the body.


This can be grouped into Hepatitis A, B, and C. The Hepatitis A can stay infectious for much longer than the other variants. It can live for several months, and it is highly contagious. So care must be taken when dealing with Hepatitis A.

Hepatitis B can be highly contagious for up to a week after leaving the body. It is transmitted via bodily fluids and less of a threat to Hepatitis A.

Hepatitis C can last for only a few days outside the body. However, some experts opine that the virus does not live up to 16 hours at room temperature. Method of transmission is via bodily fluids.

How Can You Prevent Infection

There are many ways to keep yourself protected and from getting infected. One sure-fire way is by practicing good hygiene. Wash your hands and other exposed parts thoroughly to reduce your risk of getting infected. Also, keep off death scenes. Do not touch the remains of your loved one unless you have the right protective gear. Sites with blood stains, bodily fluids and tissues should be avoided, unless they’ve been cleaned, sanitized and certified safe by crime scene cleanup service Dinwiddie Virginia. Your safety is guaranteed when you allow professionals to handle the cleaning aspects.